Thursday, April 14, 2011

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ADHD rating scale of ADHD should be considered a public health problem

"Do not pay attention in class is not a disease" Juan Pundik Knapheis, Psychiatrist and Psychoanalyst. Against the medicalization of childhood.

Juan Pundik Knapheis, Psychiatrist and Psychoanalyst:
"Do not pay attention in class is not a disease"

Lost its application to the European Commission is not allowed to give Prozac to children, but she had the platform against the Medicalization of Childhood, of which he is president. "` Medicalization ', not `medication'-points. The problem is the abuse and wrong diagnosis. "We talked to him.
XLSemanal. You are denying the most. Ensures that the attention deficit disorder with or without hyperactivity is not a disease.
Juan Pundik. Is that it is not. What makes the DSM, the psychiatric bible (manual of mental disorders) is to describe our behavior and transform them into pathologies. The challenge is to block the DSM, which is guided by what the psychiatrists and even general practitioners to diagnose, for example, a condition that does not exist, such as attention deficit disorder. Do not pay attention in class is not a disease. The guys that refer to a specialist are usually teachers who have to handle 35 students, which of course is not easy. Them silent and may even question that is healthy, but the characteristics of the education they need and, therefore, it is best to have them drugged. It is what is done with the elderly in some nursing homes.
XL. You talk about 'drugs', not 'medicine', why?
JP Methylphenidate containing the medication is an amphetamine derivative. Our country is marketed under names such as Rubifen, Concerta, Strattera, Ritalin or Ritalin, as it has in its origin, the United States. Those who do not agree with that drug to children pediatric call it `cocaine '. And it is not an arbitrary designation. When I speak of substance, the first thing I do is try them myself. I invite anyone who feels that a child should take one of these substances to do the same confirming that methylphenidate, which administers it himself and then tell me.
XL. What was your experience?
JP I felt drugged. And that I managed the same dose given to a child and I have the triple weight. And the feeling was to be stoned all day, I was not normal, myself. I completely removed my appetite and disturbed sleep. Everything bad feelings.

XL. Admit that attention deficit is not a disease, but is a behavior or a way of being, if you will, that makes life, day by day, child.
JP No, not hinder a child's life, if anything, the parents or teachers.

XL. But the child who can not find a suitable school performance because it is dispersed or hyperactive are more likely to face a failure and no school, but socially, with all that implies of traumatic ...
it mean that no school performance that gets it wants to impose. I have a long history of people being diagnosed as hyperactive and even medicated simply because that school who wanted to impose it did not help, because I wanted to be a dancer or football player. The problem is why we impose to all children with a fixed menu, when everyone has different skills. Not all are worth the same thing.

XL. There will be children that do have a real problem for being hyperactive. Give me a solution other than the pills.
JP As a psychoanalyst I can not give other than psychoanalysis. I would not say that psychoanalysis is the way ... but a psychoanalyst is able to hear a child and work with him to know what your purpose in life, guide and assist parents.

XL. You claim that these pills are an excessive medication for children, but the fact that carry 40 years in the market and have no significant problems.
JP does not take much and, of course, let alone applied to children. What happens is that suddenly a substance has invented an application that is the case with many medications. 20 years ago there was a diagnosis of hyperactivity, is an invention that has no more than 15 years ...

XL. Nor was the diagnosis of depression 70 years ago and that does not mean that there was no time.
JP spoke of depression and Freud a hundred years ago. But if you take the DSM you will find that religious conflict is also a disease, such as the conflict between siblings, marital ... all have a number that distinguishes as pathology and, therefore, are likely to be medicated. The DSM is funded by the pharmaceutical industry! It is governed by the maxim that all healthy people is 'healthy' because it has not been well diagnosed. For the pharmaceutical industry, we are all sick.

XL. There is a bit cliché that this drug is bad, very bad in the movie ...
JP is that it is. The pharmaceutical industry is the bad guy and has purchased from the FDA, European Medicines Agency and even the WHO. But if his own people ... Leave the board of the pharmaceutical company to pass drug agencies. This is easy to see. In addition, pay all medical meetings. The pharmaceutical industry is the most powerful because no one gives so many benefits.

XL. Have done something good. Admit that, without going far, they have created drugs that saved our lives ...
JP Yes, of course, but that does not justify what they are doing now, the medicalization of submitting to the population.

XL. Are ADHD pills addictive?
JP Absolutely.

XL. Did you know that its advocates argue the opposite: that, not taking it as children, those kids hyperactive are more likely to fall into drugs in adolescence?
Not at all. That is not true.

XL. Can you prove it? Are there any solid studies that endorse their criticism? I say this because there seems to have and the few that there are facts by Scientology (critical of psychiatry in general). What explains this?
Studies, although not as long-term effects, but no more than read the leaflets. Rubifen that of, for example, possible side effects reported as dizziness, headache, insomnia, nausea, nervousness, palpitations, skin reactions and blood pressure changes. The same prospect, again, warning that their use may produce dependence of amphetamine. A paragon of virtue ...

XL. Do you think that imposing the medication to children?
We'll see. For now, the international movement against Tamiflu worked: no one buys it at pharmacies. And in Mexico we have made the Parliament issued a law which will open a file to any school or teacher to indicate the need to medicate a child and a referral to a doctor for problems related to their learning. Teachers can not tell the parents that children should be medicated. Look, 30 years ago it was normal to hit a child and schools was approved. We achieved that and it is not. Now for the medicalizació n.
hyperactive children and attention deficit wake time

face so sourly syndromes few doctors such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in children. Some, most, argue that taking daily psychostimulants. The others are strongly opposed. While consumption of these drugs are shooting in Spain, in Germany, a neurobiologist has conducted a unique experiment: to isolate eleven of these kids for eight weeks at a private mountain of pills.

Adrian cries, misses her parents, but his nine years has promised to endure. Do not want to go to a neurologist, psychologist, psychiatrist, who examined his brain or studying intelligence.
Two years ago he just finished a jigsaw puzzle of 500 pieces, but was unable to keep pace with his class, annoyed, delayed the lessons, get up. The teacher could not work. At home, your mother only knew scolding. Adrian takes the pill since then. "The pill makes you sad," says the boy. Also, do not feel hungry.
The little one is confusing. The nostalgia of the family, the strange environment, the other guys, all so loud. 'For once', 'do not want ";" is bothering me', 'pushed me' ... Here, nobody can stay away, they sleep on mattresses spread on the floor. Some guys cry in a dream. But Adrian wants to get rid of that pill, wants to try. Therefore it is in this meadow in the Alps.
Your new home is a cabin with no sweets, no sugar, no TV or video games. The animals observed, confused, their new neighbors. Eleven children, aged 8 and 14 years, accompanied by three adults. This is where the young have to learn to control their impulses, to take their talents and disabilities, to overcome old behaviors and try new ones. And is that these children have reached the limit. Their parents, too. Have exhausted their high school hell and conventional education. Parents dragging guilt. For the father of Adrian, leaving your child here is grabbing at straws. You've tried everything.
These children do not adapt to behaviors such as staying seated and quiet, for example. Not seem to make a dent punishment. Go to the duties and seldom do what they are told. Are unpredictable. And because the order seems to be necessary to overcome the day to day, drugs are used to mitigate the excitable nature. They are given a chemical called methylphenidate, better known as one of their brand names: Ritalin. This substance alters metabolism the brain. The pill is comforting for children ... and parents.
The diagnosis for these children is "attention deficit hyperactivity syndrome", ADHS, its acronym in English, or attention deficit disorder with hyperactivity / ADHD. There are few symptom pictures like this on which expert opinions differ so much, doctors and scientists star in bitter polemics and defend opposing positions. Many doctors believe that low self-control of these children have a genetic cause, which is a metabolic disorder congenital. Evolutionary psychologists, however, explain the growing ADHD overload of stimuli that are experienced by children and by a reduced willingness of parents to educate their children as they are: children.
In 1991, in Germany, where children are involved in this experiment in the Alps, about 1,500 children and young people were diagnosed with ADHD. Today, according to estimates by Robert Koch Institute, this syndrome nearly 600,000 young people. Four times more boys than girls. In Spain, Fundación Jiménez Díaz rate between 5 and 10 percent the number of students who suffer from this disorder, although the figures are as yet unreliable. What is a fact is that the use of psychostimulants in the world has increased by 150 between 1990 and 2007. The short-term effects of this medication are well documented long-term effects, no. In the most extensive consultation with parents conducted to date, conducted on behalf of a medical mutual Austria, two thirds of parents said their children had side effects of Ritalin. Children living in this alpine valley have suffered nightmares and panic attacks, muscle cramps, delusions of persecution and suicide attempts.
Florian is one of them. His doctor noted on the first date "not stood still during the scan. The situation experienced in the office became very obvious that the boy had ADHD. " Although his parents describe him as "creative and capable of enthusiasm," goes wrong at school. "The intake of Ritalin-type your medical quickly led to an improvement."
In the mountains there are no pills. Nor should teachers impatient. What you need is a couple of people who believe that we should not sedate children when problems occur. German neurobiologist Gerald Huther launched this project. It takes more than 30 years researching the subject and wants to discover what happens to the small diagnosed when they are in an environment that fully returned to his being. He is convinced that today's children are under enormous demand and at the same time, undervalued.
Janis is the oldest child. When doctors put a name to your problem, ADHD, his mother was relieved. Janis became unrecognizable: the drug worked. In the fourth year was the best in its class. Today only measured 1.60 meters, although born with promising 58 centimeters. "The puck has not left you grow," says his mother. The leaflet contained the drug could cause impaired growth.
Here in the heights, Janis is a guy happy and willing to help. Quite the opposite of what is contained in medical reports. It takes a long time in treatment, forced to explain himself again and again. "I always send from one place to another. They talk about me ... But nobody listens to me! I mean, nobody really does, "he added.
problem is the experience shared by these children. They want to make friends, but are unable to do so. For Huth, that's a disaster: the only experience that has marked these guys is loneliness.
In the first weeks up to 20 minutes were needed for children to form a circle and a half hours to gather them all on one site. It took 28 days until everyone picked up their dishes and silverware without being told anything. It is important to learn the rules, and caregivers stand: if a child raises his ax to another, even `Joke ', it runs out. Gradually, in the sixth week, they start to become the first visible changes. From one day to another, children are engaged in saving tadpoles in the creek and did not crush them by hand. Changes can not be measured and hard to describe. Janis is best does. She says that now is "more severe headache."
Fifty-five days later, Adrian, who weighs seven kilos more than when he arrived and that, somehow, has become older, hugs his parents and tells all the details of what he lived and suffered in the mountains. Then he says: "I want a better life with you." Somewhat isolated, but close to where this scene takes place, one of the keepers, Rüdiger Bachmann, fighting back tears. Had not counted on it to feel so affected by this experience. At the end begins to mourn, have eight weeks to "those wild children."
Just go home, Pascal, eight years and had two taking the pill, her mother made her go to a green store because he said he did not sugar well. His mother bought him a tepee, he now sleeps on the weekends. Janis had a difficult start to the track at school, but strives to be stronger than before. Malte's mother still does not stop believing that your child live his life without his usual complaints and protests. But more surprising is the mother of Adrian, who says, beaming, it seems that you have changed your child. "It is as if born again."
Uli Hauser © Stern / Magazine 2009 No. 45

Five questions on 'the pill of peace '
1. What include Ritalin, Concerta or Rubifen? are trade names of psicoestimulador containing the active methylphenidate. Is used to improve attention span of children, youth and adults affected by ADHD.
2. When did this substance?
Methylphenidate was discovered in 1944 by chemist Leandro Panizzon while looking for a stimulant medication. He himself was not entirely satisfied with the weak effect of the substance, but his wife, Rita, he liked to take it before their tennis matches. She must be the brand name of the compound, Ritalin, which received approval for marketing in 1954.
3. How it works

Currently, most experts believe that children with ADHD have a disorder of cerebral metabolism: do not always have the necessary quantities of the neurotransmitter dopamine. Ritalin makes in the short term, the brain use dopamine best available. Many ADHD patients may well focus and better manage their thoughts.
4. How is it used?

In 1999, eight million were prescribed daily doses, and in 2008 was 52 million. Experts explain the increase in part by the fact that increasing numbers of children with ADHD are recognized as such and receive appropriate treatment, but also due to a strong increase in misdiagnosis.
5 How ADHD is diagnosed correctly?

serious diagnosis requires numerous sessions. Often, psychiatrists have to rely on expert opinion. The procedure includes a comprehensive questionnaire to parents about child development and family background, neurological examinations, intelligence tests, blood tests ... Parents should be skeptical if a doctor makes this diagnosis after just one meeting and intends to prescribe Ritalin or a similar compound first. Its use to confirm the diagnosis ("if it works, is that it is ADHD) is not justified under any circumstances.



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