Disorder Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder ADHD
ADHD manifests itself in inattention, hyperactivity - impulsive and the combination of the above
Some symptoms of inattention :
ü You see them disconnected from work.
ü "They are on the moon "are dreamers.
ü They seem confused.
ü Have difficulty start or maintain a job.
ü Its performance is inconsistent, one day is good, fair or poor in another.
ü Son desorganizados en el tiempo.
ü Postergan sus obligaciones.
ü Pierden continuamente útiles escolares, uniformes y otros.
ü Su escritorio es desorganizado.
ü Tienen problemas reading, writing or math.
Some symptoms of hyperactivity
ü are constantly in motion.
ü are restless, as they want to go elsewhere.
ü show a lot of energy.
ü often give way, pull the chair, stand, jump.
ü show concern in the hands and feet.
ü walk around the classroom.
ü When they do play smoothly.
ü annoy others, invading their space.
ü talked a lot.
ü are "fast" and sometimes very talkative.
ü suffer frequent accidents.
Some symptoms of impulsivity
ü speak inappropriately and excessively.
ü have difficulty waiting.
ü often disturb others.
Ü can not wait their turn in games or activities.
ü do not like waiting in line.
ü seem not to be afraid, so they engage in risky behavior.
ü When asked a task is initiated without waiting for instructions. Do not read the instructions.
ü can hit or throw things when frustrated.
ü evil are related to age peers, rather play with younger children.
ü have low self-esteem.
ADHD and learning disorders
are two different concepts, the first relates to the conduct of the person and the second to problems in understanding and using language. Can occur alone or overcome one another.
ADHD and problems in mathematics
ü counted in the fingers instead of having mentally.
ü can not memorize mathematical problems and show deficits in the proceedings, particularly in the subtraction, where you need to regroup.
ü have difficulty completing the solution of problems.
ü Faulty automation of numbers.
ADHD and problems in writing
Ü not alert to visual detail, and sometimes can not remember the lyrics or the sequence in which they should go.
ü The writing tends to not respect the space and appear dirty and inefficient.
ü Some press hard on the pencil and others, on the contrary, they write too pale.
ü It is difficult to retain several ideas.
ü Forget capitalization, punctuation, or sentences are incomplete.
ü sometimes express correct answers but are unable to write.
ADHD and motor coordination problems .
ü Difficulties arise in motor coordination.
ü Clumsiness.
ü slow to learn to dress, buttoning a shirt, tie his shoelaces ...
ü frequently commits accidents.
ü are apparent visual-motor problems: speed, pace and precision.
ü Attention deficit, motor and perception. DAMP
ADHD and communication problems
ü speech disorders: The motor output sound is say, given the joint problems poor pronunciation, fluency, voice quality (nasal, high volume) and speed or slow the talk - do not understand what they are trying to communicate.
ü Language disorders: Shows difficulty understanding the meaning of the letters or sentences. It does not recognize or difference in language sounds: phonological processing (grapheme - phoneme).
Notes Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in children and adults.
Fidel de la Garza Gutiérrez
Impaired ability to perform skillfully voluntary movements, coordinated. It occurs when the child's movements are slow and poorly coordinated, and also if you can not reproduce figures graphically or with a gesture and when there is disruption of body schema. It is manifested by the difficulty of imitating gestures either simple or complex and ignorance of the parts of your body. Particularly affect the learning of writing and geometry.
is a change in the understanding of letters, syllables, words and phrases, however it is most important disorder to identify letters words when reading possible is an overall reading. This causes functional disruption that, in contrast to the relative ease of spontaneous writing and dictation, the patient can not read his own writing. The patient's spontaneous writing numerous errors of spelling and syntax, showing the nature of the upheavals that have affected the symbolic values \u200b\u200bof the code graphic and semantic values.
Inability to recognize things and people, despite the sensory organs work well. It is caused by lack of attention and some mental level. This condition occurs when a child to remember or give a meaning is unable to, do not understand.
disorder characterized by the organization's capabilities for writing, except for purely motor disorder, which obviously interfere with the writing. As far as the techniques applied to this end, we must have the physical inability of many patients to use their right hand, due to suffering from hemiplegia.
Problems for the location of the numbers in the distance. It is a disorder that comes from specific learning difficulties in the calculation. Performs poorly in arithmetic, does not understand the teacher's oral explanation, the problems that arise and the necessary instructions. It is manifested by a weakening or loss of ability calculating, manipulating numerical symbols or do simple arithmetic. Quantitative thinking disturbances or dyscalculia include the understanding of mathematical principles themselves. A child unable to read and write but not compute.
is a serious deterioration in syntactic and conceptual development of language. Usually accompanied by articulatory and semantic difficulties, and has a serious impact on student learning. Falla correct integration of the phonemes that make up a word, its management, succession and quality what language is grammatically well-constructed but hard to understand.
Disability reproduce features writings. It is a condition in which the child has serious difficulties to write intelligibly.
psychomotor disorders
consists of a child's inability to inhibit or halt their movements and their emotion, beyond the normal period of opposition or disagreement with any situation.
assumes two forms: one that is dominated by private motor hyperactivity disorders and motor coordination defects, and other late showing effective and psychomotor expression changes. Appear in both perceptual disorders of language (reading and writing altered), emotional problems and character, and both are manifested by psychomotor life. Usually added several changes such as tics, signecias, stuttering and other speech problems.
assumes two forms: one that is dominated by private motor hyperactivity disorders and motor coordination defects, and other late showing effective and psychomotor expression changes. Appear in both perceptual disorders of language (reading and writing altered), emotional problems and character, and both are manifested by psychomotor life. Usually added several changes such as tics, signecias, stuttering and other speech problems.
is the absence of oxygen in cells and tissues more broadly, an inadequate supply. Among normal oxygenation and anoxia may have varying degrees of hypoxia. It is caused by decreased blood flow, lack of hemoglobin or from other causes. It is manifested by the absence of oxygen in the cells of living tissue.
disorder characterized by a series of small worm-like movements of the hands and feet that occurs mainly in children. Slow, sinuous movements seamlessly
Partial loss of the ability to develop purposive movements in a coordinated manner, but without any cerebral palsy or sensory loss. Generalized motor weakness or limited to certain skills.
extreme slowness to perform voluntary movements. It is generally observed in association with other disorders such bradyphrenia, bradilalia etc. Was mainly due to brain disorders. It manifests that has been observed in neuropsychiatric disorders, brain damage, depression, schizophrenia catatonic.
Loss of half the visual field of eyes this loss may be visual or bitemporal as it affects both hemifields nasal or temporal homonymous hemifields other rights or both left. It is caused mainly as a result of damage to optic nerve pathways. The argument will gradually clouding that giving over time without any vision. Victim of despair and loss of vision
motor skills disorder. It is caused by the lack of precision and coordination. Manifested in the lack of precision and coordination of movements in each of the 2 sides.
hearing loss
Decreased hearing sensitivity is not a disease but a symptom and can be caused by many conditions. Manifests to the person tries to fix his attention to listen accurately. There are many affectations
Anomaly inherited or acquired, is characterized externally by the larger head size, mostly occurs in children. Characterized by an abnormal increase of cerebrospinal fluid within the cerebral ventricles and space sabarraquideo. May be accompanied by neurological disorders, sensory or motor due to increased intracranial pressure due to increased intracranial pressure produced by the increased fluid. Sometimes it can cause mental retardation.
Document taken from the Internet - without references.
From metacognition, I have the ability to self-regulate my own learning, ie planning strategies to be used in every situation (learning) applications, process control, evaluate it to detect faults, and as a result ... transfer all stock or a new learning situation.
The Metacognition involves being aware of my strengths and weaknesses of my own intellectual functioning, and the types of errors of reasoning that usually I make, this awareness will help me, exploit strengths, compensate weaknesses and avoid common mistakes ..
FROM " Metacognition CAN I DO?
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