Parents are not the only people who are baffled by the cause of ADHD. Scientists and doctors have not determined exactly the causes of ADHD, but have identified some factors that can cause this behavior disorder in children and may also contribute to exacerbate the symptoms of ADHD.
Genetics Research shows that if ADHD is present in the family, then a child has a greater chance of developing this condition. If a parent has ADHD himself then the child has a 70% chance of having the condition. Parents
Many do not know they have ADHD and is only discovered when they their child diagnosed. Once diagnosed, instead of using this label as a curse, use it as a challenge and remind your child that s / he has a great potential. After all, Einstein, Beethoven, Tom Cruise, Leonardo da Vinci and Henry Ford all suffered from ADHD . Did not do well!
child's brain
parts of the brain used to control impulses and attention / concentration in children with ADHD seem to be a little less developed than in normal children. Neurotransmitters do not seem to work well in children with ADHD .
There is a strong link between smoking and alcohol abuse during pregnancy with ADHD . During pregnancy, smoking certainly appears to damage neurons which are in turn, produce neurotransmitters so that there is a reasonable possibility that the newborn child have symptoms of ADHD . Some research shows that even a clear relationship between smoking during pregnancy and aggressive behavior in children. Life with ADHD
specialized professionals, the main cause of social stigma in the Attention Deficit Disorder and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).
Genetics Research shows that if ADHD is present in the family, then a child has a greater chance of developing this condition. If a parent has ADHD himself then the child has a 70% chance of having the condition. Parents
Many do not know they have ADHD and is only discovered when they their child diagnosed. Once diagnosed, instead of using this label as a curse, use it as a challenge and remind your child that s / he has a great potential. After all, Einstein, Beethoven, Tom Cruise, Leonardo da Vinci and Henry Ford all suffered from ADHD . Did not do well!
child's brain
parts of the brain used to control impulses and attention / concentration in children with ADHD seem to be a little less developed than in normal children. Neurotransmitters do not seem to work well in children with ADHD .
There is a strong link between smoking and alcohol abuse during pregnancy with ADHD . During pregnancy, smoking certainly appears to damage neurons which are in turn, produce neurotransmitters so that there is a reasonable possibility that the newborn child have symptoms of ADHD . Some research shows that even a clear relationship between smoking during pregnancy and aggressive behavior in children. Life with ADHD
specialized professionals, the main cause of social stigma in the Attention Deficit Disorder and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).
This disorder can have significant consequences ranging from school failure in childhood, to labor difficulties in adulthood, through the development of antisocial behavior. Child and Adolescent Psychiatry is a complex and extensive that it requires a dedicated doctor. One of the greatest shortcomings of English medicine has been that there is no specialty.
Madrid, April 2011 .-
is estimated that about 5% of school-age children suffer from Attention Deficit Disorder and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). This psychiatric illness, being a chronic disorder persists in some cases, in adulthood of those who have suffered in childhood and adolescence.
is estimated that about 5% of school-age children suffer from Attention Deficit Disorder and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). This psychiatric illness, being a chronic disorder persists in some cases, in adulthood of those who have suffered in childhood and adolescence.
" It is important that this is a condition that always begins in childhood therefore should not be diagnosed someone who had no clear symptoms at this stage, "adds Dr. Arango.
The main symptoms are inability to maintain attention on a task for a minimum of time, anxiety, impulsivity, the faulty concept of time and precipitation in the answers.
This condition may have important consequences ranging from school failure in childhood, labor difficulties in adulthood, to be able to become the source of social problems (more likely to use drugs or traffic accidents, for example).
However, despite being a highly prevalent disease in children, is marked by a great social stigma, as determined by their lack of awareness, lack of specialized professionals, delays and errors in diagnosis and lack of prevention programs, "says Dr. Arango.
Importance of diagnosis and comprehensive approach.
Early detection is key in this disease because it "improves outcome and prognosis and, more importantly, improve the quality of life of the child and family," says Dr. Arango.
In this sense, "although the first symptoms can manifest in children aged 4 or 5 years and even before, not until about seven when parents tend to see the doctor," said the expert.
However, despite its importance, there is still a significant percentage of children and adults who are not diagnosed and, therefore, who are deprived of receiving the relevant treatment, with the risks involved.
"Like the rest of mental disorders should be comprehensive treatment including drug therapy and psychotherapy, it is important to intervene with the family and school. Stimulant drugs are more effective drug treatments for all that we have in psychiatry, if we consider the effect size. "
Similarly, for Dr. Arango
"we need more psychiatrists specializing in children and adolescents. And, diagnose and treat them well requires the physician to be well trained and have knowledge and experience, plus a total dedication to child psychiatry. " is a complex and extensive that it requires a dedicated doctor. One of the greatest shortcomings of English medicine has been the absence of the specialty of Child Psychiatry, "concludes Dr. Arango.
English Society of Psychiatry.
Society founded in 1958 aimed at promoting the study and development of psychiatry, with the areas that are related, as well as scientific and technical progress, welfare, teaching and research, promote information and psychiatric training of general practitioners and participate in the formation of specialist, help with research and advice to solve the problems of improving psychiatric care in Spain. He represents the English psychiatrists to the public and private entities.
English Society of Biological Psychiatry
was founded in 1974 whose primary purpose is to promote studies of human behavior, through the Biological Psychiatry, subject to the general rules of natural scientific thinking. English Foundation of Psychiatry and Mental Health.
aims to contribute to knowledge development and improvement of Psychiatry and Mental Health, as well as their related disciplines, through meetings, publications , scientific events, research and development of other cultural and scientific activity.
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