Have you ever taken a look at the major websites prescription medication for ADHD medication? If you do, you will be surprised by the optimistic tone of your information, flashy accessories and, of course, a wide range of experts to advise on any aspect of ADHD inattention, problems with work and ways to cope to hyperactivity. It is frankly difficult to find fault with taking these drugs for ADHD. What is the problem? The problem is that these sites are sponsored by pharmaceutical companies making these drugs so that your information is complete and the best part
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Did you know that some companies have put their profiles on Facebook and other social networking sites and have many more thousands of followers? Offer advice to parents and teachers of children with ADHD. They have a massive presence on the internet.
Some data will be sufficient to realize that all is not well in the market for ADHD medications. The first problem is that prescription drugs for ADHD, if you give a child for several years, does not cure the child. The boy is still fighting for the left and may be at risk for drug abuse and will also be disturbed by colleagues to sell their drugs in the school parking lot. These drugs only relieve the symptoms of ADHD (inattention, restlessness, poor concentration, etc) and there is little doubt in some medical circles about the long-term effects of these drugs in the child's brain. When we talk about ADHD that are nothing more than describe a chemical imbalance in the brain and neurotransmitters are not sending the right signals for the child to perform very basic tasks as the focus. Life with ADHD
NiMh Report (National Institute of Mental Health United States)
Like most visitors to this site know well, since 2003, which published the first report results Multimodal Treatment Study of ADHD, known as
, parents, teachers, medical professionals and the general pediatric media were literally bombarded
by the initial findings of this study.
Although, since its publication, professional voices were raised qualified by their experience in the field, on methodological errors
of that study (as an example can serve the critical analysis conducted by Dr. Peter Breggin
), the multinational pharmaceutical companies that had already influenced the study through some professionals of the same (Jenssen, Swanson and others) addressed multiple outreach fund those initial findings published in scientific journals sponsored, speakers at International Conferences and National Meetings, grants and gifts to associations of people affected, press releases to media, etc ...
Nobody seemed
want to hear the medical arguments put forward by the Dr. Breginn
, or by Dr. Baughman in the United States [
video 1 video 2 ] nor the psychological argumentswe spread best on this site and other scientific and professional activities in Spain and some Latin American countries García Pérez teachers and Magaz Lago.Apparently the MTA study was " shown " the superior efficacy of drug treatment exclusive behavioral treatments, combined treatment: medication plus intensive behavior therapy or community care (mental health care standard). to no availalerts on the following aspects:1. The MTA only studied the effects of psychostimulants in children with ADHD - combined subtype according to DSM-IV. Nevertheless, medical professionals , medical associations and associations of patients have allowed parents of children diagnosed with ADHD- inattentive subtype is the most prominent medicated to these drugs are based on the results of this study ... The reality was that the MTA did not study at all to this group of children ...The reality is that experience has shown that psychostimulants are not effective with children inattentive ... (See the study of Stein et al. published in the official journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics: original article:synthesis ppt : The reality is that the MTA only tested the effectiveness of drug treatment with methylphenidate, but Lilly's labs, doctors and some staff associations of patients, identified -pharmacological treatment-to-methylphenidate with-pharmacological treatment-with-any-drug, so that they began using strattera (atomoxetine) relying on the MTA. Strattera very strikingly described in its advertising (a clearly misleading and very well reported by the Evaluation Committee of New Drug Basque Health Service) as LO-QUE-NO-ES : not psychostimulant, is an amphetamine derivative ,..., course, is not a contraceptive, nor is it a CrecePelo ... But a drug should be defined asLO-TO-DO-ESand Strattera is a ANTIDEPRESSANT whose effects are much more dangerous than psychostimulants (inducing suicide, the most serious), whose efficacy in the TDA is the only product Mass marketing of its producer and initial placebo effect for many parents and teachers. 2. The MTA study was a trap: the subjects were assigned to drug treatment group had already shown that responded favorably the drug, but not so the subjects were assigned to intensive behavioral therapy. Finally, the justification of medical staff to provide methylphenidate to children is that this substance helps the students acquire academic and social skills necessary to function effectively in the future ... The Monitoring Report 36 months has exposed the fallacy , and that subjects improved only by taking both drugs,three years are much worse, having matched their symptoms and the degree of ADHD involvement in their lives other groups course, now Dr. Swanson and colleagues claim that it may be because "they stopped taking the medication." Why, that was not the objective?? Did not tried to take the medication time to take it after not need ....? And besides, was not irrelevant to weight loss and reduced growth by taking methylphenidate effect "every day of the year"? (Recommendation of the Visitors Medical Laboratories Janssen to all pediatricians, psychiatrists neurologists and English). Well now is that the MTA study Excellency has shown that ...1. The improvements of psychostimulant medicationdisappeared at 36 months .2. Subjects with constant medicationpresented significant weight loss and reduction in growth did not recover after stopping treatment4. Article summary in Castilianreport
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