L ost administrators devote much of their time to things that are not involve "manage." A sales manager prepare a statistical analysis or placate an important customer. A foreman repair tool or compose a production report. A manufacturing manager design a new factory layout, or test new materials. The president of the company makes the details of a bank loan, negotiating a major contract or spend some time to preside over a dinner for the organization's key customers.
All these things are related to specific function. All are necessary and must be run well. But they are separated from the work done by all managers, is regardless of function or activity, their rank or position - one shared by administrators and peculiar in this category. The work of every manager has five core functions, together determine the integration of the purposes of a dynamic and viable.
First manager sets targets . Determine what they are. Determines what should be the goals in each area of \u200b\u200btargets. Decide what will be done to achieve them. Effectively confers the objectives, communicating them to people whose performance is required to support them.
Second, a manager ORGANIZED. Analyzes the activities, decisions and relationships necessary. Diversify labor. Divide it into manageable activities and further divided in administrative activities. Groups these units and those charges in an organizational structure. Select people to manage these units and the tasks to be executed.
Then an administrator SUBJECT AND COMMUNICATION . Form a team with people responsible for different tasks. Get that result in different practical tasks it controls. It does in their own relationships with men with whom it collaborates. Get these results in their decisions about the remuneration, fees, and the rise of individuals. And do these objectives through constant communication with his subordinates and his superior, and with their colleagues.
The fourth basic element of work manager is MEASUREMENT. The manager sets measurement standards - few factors are as important to the performance of the organization and its members - Make sure that each individual measurement criteria has focused on performance throughout the organization, and at the same time focusing attention on the work of individual and help him do it. Analyse, appreciate and interpret the performance. As in all other areas of their work, communicates the meaning of the measurements and their findings to subordinates, superiors and colleagues.
Finally, an administrator develop people, including him MISMO incentivando las capacitaciones constantes a su gente en búsqueda de la calidad en el trabajo integrado del equipo, generando con ello no solo logros personales sino también institucionales a favor de todos en la empresa.
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