Sunday, September 26, 2010

Hyperhidrosis And Hypothyroidism


S lways in companies not organized or even others who "say" to be administered through an organizational intelligence, you can find one or more patterns that give rise to a virus attacks the attitude of growth and development of an individual, they are mentioned below to be identified in their business and take appropriate action and remedial action to eliminate them completely.

1. The pessimist, who all it looks bad and impossible to change
2. The gossip, to spread rumors to gain acceptance.
3. The uncommitted not care about working with the rest.
4. The "this is not my job," that does only what is within the job description.
5. The perfectionist, nothing satisfied not appreciate the effort of others.
6. The argollero, only benefits to your nearest group.
7. The resistant to change, who prefers to remain in their comfort zone

These viruses not only affect the development of enterprises but also deletes it from its market, since they not only allow their employees work well together, but also creates a negative work environment.

How to deal with these threats? The first is to recognize and take responsibility for our own attitude and the consequences it brings to our surroundings, although it is known that it is not easy, because often the criticism of correction are so destructive, rather than CONSTRUCTION .
Given this scenario should be replaced by new and old attitudes otrorgando an opportunity to do so, ie, the important thing is to meet with the person criticizes and say clearly what is the positive change that is needed to work. First it is advisable to change that will help him and the rest, if your attitude does not change after this, simply leave their future in freedom. And while it is true that the change depends on each training could be the key if sobering. You know
IF VIRUS IN YOUR COMPANY, identify and Lying Down


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