L a Planificación Estratégica es un asunto vital para la empresa hoy en día, un asunto de vida o muerte, el camino a la supervivencia o a la ruina, por lo tanto es imperativo estudirla a consciencia.
Con esta presentación doy inicio a un comentario que quisiera agregue valor a los conceptos que muchos have read and learned about the great work of this magnificent military strategist Sun Tzu Chinese, I hope your content is to your liking and apply it to their companies with favorable results.
The strategy is based on deception, when competition is close, do appear to be far away when you're away, do appear to be close. Offer the enemy bait to lure. Tap when you are disorganized, avoid it when it is strong. If your opponent is of choleric temper, try to irritate him. If he is arrogant, promote their self-centeredness. If the enemy team is well prepared after reorganization, try to weaken it. If this integrated, try to sow discord between them. Attack the competitor which is not prepared and displayed where it is not expected. These are the keys to a victory achieved strategist.
A quick victory is the main objective in the strategy. If this is long in coming, wear tactics and morale depressed. When the team is involved in protracted campaigns the resources of the company are reduced. So while we've heard in a hurry stupid on strategy, we have not yet seen a clever operation is prolonged.
usually the best policy in a strategy is to take the competitor intact, the lower to destroy it and this is leave it in ruins. Capture the entire army of the competition is better than destroying it, taking a company team intact, its staff is better than destroying it. Win 100 victories in 100 battles is not the highest skill. Subdue the enemy without fighting is the supreme excellence. Those who are skilled in the strategy submitted to the army of the enemy without fighting, without drawing the sword.
Art of using troops is this: When you are in relationship of one to ten with respect to its enemy, surround it. When you have five times his strength, atáquelo. If you have eldoble of his strength, divide. If they have the same force, it must catch a good plan. If you are weaker, retire, and if less than the enemy in all aspects, elúdalo.
Know your competition and know yourself and in 100 battles will never be defeated. When you know the competition, but know yourself, your chances of winning or losing are the same. If you do not know competition or known to yourself, be certain to be defeated in every battle.
Whoever occupies the battleground first and awaits the competition is relaxed, and he who comes later to the scene and rushes into the battle wears, therefore, those with skills strategy to attract competition to the battlefield, they are not carried by them. So when the competitor is relaxed try to tire him, when well fed starving do, when at rest do it to move.
Analyze competition plans so as to determine its disadvantages, as well as its strengths. Prompt them to know the pattern of their movements. Atráigala to show their willingness and determining its position. Test launch an attack to know where their strengths are abundant and where deficient. The plans are prepared for victory depending on the circumstances. The crowds do not understand this.
If you decide to implement a strategic plan does not advertise your intentions or tactics, makes it seem that "everything goes on as usual."
little business leaders resolve their disputes in court and in the battlefields. The brilliant strategists rarely go into battle or the court, because by usually achieve their objectives through tactical positioning far ahead of any confrontation.
When you decide to challenge other company, calculation, analysis and detailed positioning lead to victory. Insufficient calculation leads to defeat.
leaders with the ability to allow the strategy does not inhibit loscontraataques creative tactics, or that the controls are remote that interfere with spontaneous maneuvers in the immediate situation.
When you get a decisive advantage over a rival, the leaders with skills not pressure, but maintain their position and give their rivals a chance to redeem or merge, do not allow those who have nothing to lose strength damage.
brilliant strategists take the lead through the illusion, obscuring the important areas of confrontation, so that opponents divide their forces trying to defend many areas. Create the appearance of confusion, fear and vulnerability, so that the opponent is taken in vain to this illusion of advantage. ; ;
Analyze competition plans so as to determine its disadvantages, as well as its strengths. Prompt them to know the pattern of their movements. Atráigala to show their willingness and determining its position. Test launch an attack to know where their strengths are abundant and where deficient. The plans are prepared for victory depending on the circumstances. The crowds do not understand this.
If you decide to implement a strategic plan does not advertise your intentions or tactics, makes it seem that "everything goes on as usual."
little business leaders resolve their disputes in court and in the battlefields. The brilliant strategists rarely go into battle or the court, because by usually achieve their objectives through tactical positioning far ahead of any confrontation.
When you decide to challenge other company, calculation, analysis and detailed positioning lead to victory. Insufficient calculation leads to defeat.
leaders with the ability to allow the strategy does not inhibit loscontraataques creative tactics, or that the controls are remote that interfere with spontaneous maneuvers in the immediate situation.

brilliant strategists take the lead through the illusion, obscuring the important areas of confrontation, so that opponents divide their forces trying to defend many areas. Create the appearance of confusion, fear and vulnerability, so that the opponent is taken in vain to this illusion of advantage. ; ;
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