Sunday, September 26, 2010

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Achieving Goals by Stephen Covey

I nteresante that after a nice video presentation, shows an interesting study done by Stephen Covey on the problems that organizations currently have to achieve their goals and the technical proposal for this great consultant to overcome these problems. I advise you to see this film it really is good.

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S lways in companies not organized or even others who "say" to be administered through an organizational intelligence, you can find one or more patterns that give rise to a virus attacks the attitude of growth and development of an individual, they are mentioned below to be identified in their business and take appropriate action and remedial action to eliminate them completely.

1. The pessimist, who all it looks bad and impossible to change
2. The gossip, to spread rumors to gain acceptance.
3. The uncommitted not care about working with the rest.
4. The "this is not my job," that does only what is within the job description.
5. The perfectionist, nothing satisfied not appreciate the effort of others.
6. The argollero, only benefits to your nearest group.
7. The resistant to change, who prefers to remain in their comfort zone

These viruses not only affect the development of enterprises but also deletes it from its market, since they not only allow their employees work well together, but also creates a negative work environment.

How to deal with these threats? The first is to recognize and take responsibility for our own attitude and the consequences it brings to our surroundings, although it is known that it is not easy, because often the criticism of correction are so destructive, rather than CONSTRUCTION .
Given this scenario should be replaced by new and old attitudes otrorgando an opportunity to do so, ie, the important thing is to meet with the person criticizes and say clearly what is the positive change that is needed to work. First it is advisable to change that will help him and the rest, if your attitude does not change after this, simply leave their future in freedom. And while it is true that the change depends on each training could be the key if sobering. You know
IF VIRUS IN YOUR COMPANY, identify and Lying Down

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C on the passage of time, after successes and failures you realize the existence of several infusion factors in determining working smart devices. What I will comment below is a brief summary of what I think are key tips to make these intelligent devices while effective, try to apply it and see how good it is.

Have a goal. Develop a clearly stated purpose and put it in writing and notify it . A mission that the team identifies loosely on the first day, is likely to become more vague in a matter of weeks.

Select to members carefully. Determine who should be on the team and why. Not necessarily the fact of being friends in youth ensures that the inclusion of a new team member will create efficiency in the performance of a particular job. To do this you first need to develop a profile of highly detailed and professional psychological characteristics of individual staff members, who then will be put in clear and based on the mission of such work. If the proposal of the mission is clear, then set up a small but effective team should not be a problem. If possible, keep the number of people a team in less than ten , or much less than this is possible.

Define success. How will the team if you have met the mission? Members must define, a priori, what constitutes a victory. If the goal is clearly established, it will be easier to know when the mission has been completed.

Establish a working time. If the period of development is linked to the definition of team success, then the termination date will be obvious. There will be no excuses for keeping the group on the set time.
If the objectives are established in the short term (less than a year) as a strict rule, reconsideration of any working time of more than two months as a period of critical evaluation.
If the objectives are in compliance with medium-term (one year), the critical assessment period may be nearing the fifth month.
If the objectives are long-term (within a horizon of 5 years more), the critical appraisal period comes after the first year.
Critical evaluation periods should be cyclical and repetitive as additional part of the process control team.

Establish responsibilities. Know who is doing what. Assign specific roles to each team member and determine the relationship between people in the group. Who tells the computer? This is likely to be more efficient if you let an individual. If he reports to a higher level team, then sure that the highest level team has knowledge of team members work and understand their responsibility.

Develop a schedule of equipment. How will the team accomplish its mission? If members can not establish an action plan in five or six lines, then they might want to return to the first pattern, above ( Having goals )

Make meetings more meaningful . The meetings are often like the dentist's chair. A rather annoying that the team members prefer to avoid.
Make short meetings, if they last long will be a waste of time. Each meeting has an agenda three or four items to be discussed. You may photocopy the bill to give to team members as they retire.
Remember that meetings provide time for team members who can report on their progress and difficulties, the meetings are an asset not only to solve problems, but proposals to address them.

Friday, September 24, 2010

How To Play Runescape On A Locked Computer

An example of Motivation: Paul Potts

E l This is a video that has been seen by multitudes both cable signal Britains English Talents program two years ago, and through the youtube. But I find it interesting because it shows how an ordinary individual and with great difficulty through the efforts accomplished great things when motivated to exploit their expertise (talent). A good video I hope you enjoy it.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

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The real work of Sun Tzu

L ost administrators devote much of their time to things that are not involve "manage." A sales manager prepare a statistical analysis or placate an important customer. A foreman repair tool or compose a production report. A manufacturing manager design a new factory layout, or test new materials. The president of the company makes the details of a bank loan, negotiating a major contract or spend some time to preside over a dinner for the organization's key customers.

All these things are related to specific function. All are necessary and must be run well. But they are separated from the work done by all managers, is regardless of function or activity, their rank or position - one shared by administrators and peculiar in this category. The work of every manager has five core functions, together determine the integration of the purposes of a dynamic and viable.

First manager sets targets . Determine what they are. Determines what should be the goals in each area of \u200b\u200btargets. Decide what will be done to achieve them. Effectively confers the objectives, communicating them to people whose performance is required to support them.

Second, a manager ORGANIZED. Analyzes the activities, decisions and relationships necessary. Diversify labor. Divide it into manageable activities and further divided in administrative activities. Groups these units and those charges in an organizational structure. Select people to manage these units and the tasks to be executed.

Then an administrator SUBJECT AND COMMUNICATION . Form a team with people responsible for different tasks. Get that result in different practical tasks it controls. It does in their own relationships with men with whom it collaborates. Get these results in their decisions about the remuneration, fees, and the rise of individuals. And do these objectives through constant communication with his subordinates and his superior, and with their colleagues.

The fourth basic element of work manager is MEASUREMENT. The manager sets measurement standards - few factors are as important to the performance of the organization and its members - Make sure that each individual measurement criteria has focused on performance throughout the organization, and at the same time focusing attention on the work of individual and help him do it. Analyse, appreciate and interpret the performance. As in all other areas of their work, communicates the meaning of the measurements and their findings to subordinates, superiors and colleagues.

Finally, an administrator develop people, including him MISMO incentivando las capacitaciones constantes a su gente en búsqueda de la calidad en el trabajo integrado del equipo, generando con ello no solo logros personales sino también institucionales a favor de todos en la empresa.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

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Manager, The Art of War and Strategic Planning

L a Planificación Estratégica es un asunto vital para la empresa hoy en día, un asunto de vida o muerte, el camino a la supervivencia o a la ruina, por lo tanto es imperativo estudirla a consciencia.
Con esta presentación doy inicio a un comentario que quisiera agregue valor a los conceptos que muchos have read and learned about the great work of this magnificent military strategist Sun Tzu Chinese, I hope your content is to your liking and apply it to their companies with favorable results.

The strategy is based on deception, when competition is close, do appear to be far away when you're away, do appear to be close. Offer the enemy bait to lure. Tap when you are disorganized, avoid it when it is strong. If your opponent is of choleric temper, try to irritate him. If he is arrogant, promote their self-centeredness. If the enemy team is well prepared after reorganization, try to weaken it. If this integrated, try to sow discord between them. Attack the competitor which is not prepared and displayed where it is not expected. These are the keys to a victory achieved strategist.

A quick victory is the main objective in the strategy. If this is long in coming, wear tactics and morale depressed. When the team is involved in protracted campaigns the resources of the company are reduced. So while we've heard in a hurry stupid on strategy, we have not yet seen a clever operation is prolonged.

usually the best policy in a strategy is to take the competitor intact, the lower to destroy it and this is leave it in ruins. Capture the entire army of the competition is better than destroying it, taking a company team intact, its staff is better than destroying it. Win 100 victories in 100 battles is not the highest skill. Subdue the enemy without fighting is the supreme excellence. Those who are skilled in the strategy submitted to the army of the enemy without fighting, without drawing the sword.

Art of using troops is this: When you are in relationship of one to ten with respect to its enemy, surround it. When you have five times his strength, atáquelo. If you have eldoble of his strength, divide. If they have the same force, it must catch a good plan. If you are weaker, retire, and if less than the enemy in all aspects, elúdalo.

Know your competition and know yourself and in 100 battles will never be defeated. When you know the competition, but know yourself, your chances of winning or losing are the same. If you do not know competition or known to yourself, be certain to be defeated in every battle.

Whoever occupies the battleground first and awaits the competition is relaxed, and he who comes later to the scene and rushes into the battle wears, therefore, those with skills strategy to attract competition to the battlefield, they are not carried by them. So when the competitor is relaxed try to tire him, when well fed starving do, when at rest do it to move.

Analyze competition plans so as to determine its disadvantages, as well as its strengths. Prompt them to know the pattern of their movements. Atráigala to show their willingness and determining its position. Test launch an attack to know where their strengths are abundant and where deficient. The plans are prepared for victory depending on the circumstances. The crowds do not understand this.

If you decide to implement a strategic plan does not advertise your intentions or tactics, makes it seem that "everything goes on as usual."

little business leaders resolve their disputes in court and in the battlefields. The brilliant strategists rarely go into battle or the court, because by usually achieve their objectives through tactical positioning far ahead of any confrontation.

When you decide to challenge other company, calculation, analysis and detailed positioning lead to victory. Insufficient calculation leads to defeat.

leaders with the ability to allow the strategy does not inhibit loscontraataques creative tactics, or that the controls are remote that interfere with spontaneous maneuvers in the immediate situation.

When you get a decisive advantage over a rival, the leaders with skills not pressure, but maintain their position and give their rivals a chance to redeem or merge, do not allow those who have nothing to lose strength damage.

brilliant strategists take the lead through the illusion, obscuring the important areas of confrontation, so that opponents divide their forces trying to defend many areas. Create the appearance of confusion, fear and vulnerability, so that the opponent is taken in vain to this illusion of advantage. ; ;

Friday, September 10, 2010

Japanese Groping Fideos

"In our country there is a culture of recognition": Inés Temple, DBM Peru

"In our country there is a culture of recognition": Inés Temple, DBM Peru

Monday, September 6, 2010

In Pokemon Platinumquestion Mark

Along with regulatory examinations previously added, incorporate a summary of econometrics 2 . All thanks to contributions from supporters. Thank you very much

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Best Way To Masterbrate

Top ten risks for global businesses

Top ten risks for global businesses