Adults with Attention Deficit , on Sunday, February 20, 2011 at 2:10
If you have ADD, or ADHD, a child, the symptoms decrease with age? Can you have ADHD adult onset? These are some of the questions that readers of the blog Inquiries New York Times posted it a few days ago.
Dr. Russell A. Barkley, professor of psychiatry at the Medical University of South Carolina, responds. Among his recent books include: "ADHD in Adults: What the Science Says "and, more recently," Taking Charge of Adult ADHD, "both of Guilford Press.
P. "They reduce the symptoms of ADHD with age? "ADHD often improves with age? In other words, if the ADHD persists into adulthood, is expected to improve as the brain develops towards the end of the decade of the 20?
R. Rhett, Charleston, SC
Dr. Barkley says,
studies that followed children with ADHD into adulthood, including my own research tracking children in Wisconsin, show that symptoms do diminish with age, both in people with ADHD and in the general population. Still, people who has the disorder continues to have many more symptoms than those seen in the general population at any age.
My own research showed that 14% to 35% of children with ADHD could be considered to have recovered or are within the normal range for when they turn 27. The reason for this range of rate of return simply has to do with how carefully we define recovery. Defined loosely, about a third longer meet the criteria for the disorder entering adulthood. More strictly defined - at least two people report that symptoms are not severe or inappropriate and will no longer cause disabilities - and the figure drops to about 14%. Serious symptoms in childhood. The more severe symptoms early in life, the more likely they persist into adulthood. The presence of psychiatric disorders in addition to ADHD. Those who had suffered from depression or any other disturbance of health mental with ADHD were more likely to have ADHD symptoms as adults.
Having a mother with significant psychological problems increased the risk that the symptoms continue into adulthood. In summary, ADHD seems to persist in most, but not all cases. Even those children who had recovered from the disorder, had experienced significantly more problems with school and also tend to have less formal education. These obstacles can be dragged and education affect adult life, even if the person no longer has the disorder.
P. Can you develop the DA as an adult?
Is it possible that in my 60s develop a DA? My executive functions have gone out the window in recent years, and my partner insists that this is not the only way I'm showing symptoms. So, is there a late-onset ADHD? Or rather I had all the time and only worsened in the past 3 to 5 years? R. Kenny Boy, Houston
Dr. Barkley says,
There is no evidence that ADHD can occur in middle age or older, unless the result of injury or brain disease, in which case it an acquired type of ADHD. But aging itself results in a deterioration of certain executive functions that may mimic some symptoms of ADHD. For example, in our 60s and from then on, working memory, or the ability to keep information in mind about what you're doing, what goals you are pursuing, and why, declines in both sexes. As working memory declines, we become more forgetful and less attentive to our goals and plans and intentions of our actions. These symptoms may resemble that seen inattention in ADHD, which also causes problems with memory. But this kind of deterioration in the elderly in our executive skills are not associated with other symptoms of ADHD and impulsivity and hyperactivity.
Here the interview in English:
Russell Barkley, PhD.
One of the researchers who contributed to our current knowledge of Attention Deficit
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