Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Can I Wear A White Sweater To A Wedding


  • First: In groups of 4 thou must choose the product that you would like to make the advertising campaign.

  • Second Eligireis the advertising medium in which to develop your campaign from those explained in:

  • Third: Analyzing the principles of AIDA theory aplicareis thou must explain how your public. Information on the AIDA theory can be found at

  • Fourth: Thou must choose 4 of the advertising strategies to apply to your campaign, how will you develop use. The find in

  • Fifth: Since you have completed all the steps necessary to create your own ad with what you can and put it into practice:

Each group will make a written summary de los 4 pasos anteriores y comenzará a realizar la campaña eligiendo el slogan y el diseño para la misma.

Por grupos saldreis a exponer y defender vuestra campaña de publicidad y al finalizar todas las exposiciones, entre toda la clase, se debatirá cual ha sido la campaña más efectiva y por qué


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