Wednesday, December 19, 2007

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Advertising is a marketing technique that mix fundamental aims to create a brand image, recall, inform, or persuade to maintain or increase sales of goods and services offered. Ie looking for their commercial diffusion. Advertising makes use of many disciplines such as psychology, sociology, statistics, social communication and anthropology.

Although there are a lot of theories about advertising one of the oldest is from 1895, and AIDA theory based on the following principles for an advertising campaign has success:

- A traction 1 - Get Noticed.
- I interest measure 2 - Awakening interest in the offer.
- D ESEO 3 - Awakening the desire to purchase.
- A ction 4 - Provide the ability to react to the message deriving
usually purchase.

addition there are some strategies for effective advertising that you can

These campaigns must be conducted within a certain media that are listed and explained in the link above.

Another fundamental concept for creating a good advertising slogan is . THE advertising slogan is a memorable phrase used in a commercial context as a repetitive expression of an idea or a purpose advertising.

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The task is to make an advertisement for a product invented by you following the principles of AIDA theory, using some of the strategies proposed in wiki / Advertising for advertising and choosing effective advertising medium in which to develop your campaign from those in the proposed link to it.

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  • First: In groups of 4 thou must choose the product that you would like to make the advertising campaign.

  • Second Eligireis the advertising medium in which to develop your campaign from those explained in:

  • Third: Analyzing the principles of AIDA theory aplicareis thou must explain how your public. Information on the AIDA theory can be found at

  • Fourth: Thou must choose 4 of the advertising strategies to apply to your campaign, how will you develop use. The find in

  • Fifth: Since you have completed all the steps necessary to create your own ad with what you can and put it into practice:

Each group will make a written summary de los 4 pasos anteriores y comenzará a realizar la campaña eligiendo el slogan y el diseño para la misma.

Por grupos saldreis a exponer y defender vuestra campaña de publicidad y al finalizar todas las exposiciones, entre toda la clase, se debatirá cual ha sido la campaña más efectiva y por qué

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Los recursos que los alumnos pueden utilizar para realizar este trabajo seran los siguientes:

- (eg coca-cola advertising)
- www.teacuerdas .com / nostalgia-toys-gifts-cola.htm (advertising years 50 and 60)

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Assess the originality and oral and written work very positively.
The campaign must contain the minimum set in order to be evaluated. The score of each part is as follows:

-effectiveness of the campaign: 1 point.
-Strategies: 1 point. AIDA
-Theory: 1 point.
-Originality: 2 points.
-Speaking: 2.5 points.
-Writing: 2.5puntos.

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This work aims to achieve a broader understanding of advertising. It is intended that students know how to defend their ideas in a coherent and effective in improving oral and written expression. You can refine their ability to discuss matters over which they have prior knowledge.