Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Where Can You Get The Stardoll Gift Cards?

Bicentennial Fund Scholarships for masters in economics from the UNLP UNLP

For those interested or potentially interested in doing an MA in economics that is taught in our faculty that they publish this mail came to me about scholarships. Here is the link to the homepage of the faculty and if you want more info mail I send them the brochure and mail contacts. Greetings

The MSc in Economics for the period 2010-2011, has decided to provide 5 (five) full scholarships to students wishing to start their courses in this period. Funding for the scholarships will be in charge of the Master in Economics and CEDLAS. The student that is receiving the scholarship must perform tasks on projects and / or research and consideration, in a period to be agreed between both parties.

The distribution of the awards were held between the candidates, taking into account their academic performance and financial situation. It has: 1

full scholarship for students in the province of Mendoza and / or San Juan;

1 full scholarship for students in the province of Tucumán and / or Santa Fe;

1 scholarship Total students in the province of Buenos Aires (which has not studied at the UNLP)

1 full scholarship for students who have studied at the UNLP and are of the interior of the Province of Buenos Aires;

1 full scholarship for the rest of the Argentina national students who have completed their undergraduate studies in Argentina;

½ scholarship for students who have studied at the UNLP (whatever its origin, provided that they are a national of Argentina).

Applicants must submit the requirements requested for inclusion in the Masters along with a letter stating why they want to continue their studies at the Masters, when would the planned start date (March / June 2010), and what the need for funding. Be taken into account all the applications filed from December 2009 until February 15, 2010. Will contact the allocation of grants on Friday, February 19, 2010.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

How To Use The Secondary Camera On The Nokia E71

I just got this invitation to participate in an experiment organized by the facutad of economy. Are invited to participate.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Drag Queens 'tucking'

Experiment in income and life cycle ... no no ovulation!

few days ago I passed a paper interesting and even fun, hence the title of the post

Three American researchers conducted an experiment to show that women continue to have something like a stage of heat (or estrous as original vocabulary). That is, a stage wherein the same hormonal conditions as well as in other species females are more receptive and sexually attractive. His intention is to find evidence that contradicts the conventional view that the heat has been hidden along the evolutionary path, perhaps to encourage the provision and male parental care in long term relationships.

the absence of experiments that the authors deemed satisfactory to demonstrate that women are more attractive during its period of greatest fertility in real life conditions (ie, not controlled laboratory experiments) face your own. The experiment seems to be tailored to that interest to an economist: to observe the correlation between income and the menstrual cycle or ovulation of the lap dancers.

What are lap dancers? Sex dancers are also half-naked dancing on a catwalk provided "dances" private to each customer upon request. During the same dancer sits on top of his client to go over, unable to touch her, simply to enjoy the constant friction generated by the dancer pelvic (franeleo in Creole). According to the authors is how to find the clubs to circumvent the legal prohibition of prostitution at the bottom of slopes because such friction simulates a sexual act.

The logic of the activity is as follows. Each dancer performs at least one dance on the catwalk and then gives a lap dance a few minutes each customer / request. The revenue-maximizing strategy is to provide the greatest possible amount of lap dances, especially to a customer / wealthy who is willing to access more lap dances after the first. Hence, the woman concerned should strive to be as attractive as possible during the few minutes of the first lap dance . Crossing

income of the dancers with their fertility cycles is obtained as follows. The income is correlated with fertility!


Adding the theory that women are more attractive during their most fertile period and revealed preference (the customer / reveals those who prefer using your choice) we can deduce that the dancers are actually more attractive when their fertility is highest. That is the objective of the paper, but I very striking figure. Like a typical graph used to show how the individual income fluctuates and use the savings to smooth consumption and even as women using birth control pills have a pattern of income far less volatile.

What lessons could be obtained:

1) Women whose income is associated with their reproductive cycle are, ceteris paribus are a good market for short-term credit. Even if we could repeat and corroborate the results on a larger scale could make a good pooling within a group because, as far as I know, menstrual cycles are not perfectly correlated in all women.

2) The pill makers are more risk-averse, in every sense (assuming you know the previous positive association).

Ah! And do not take this very seriously. The sample included only 18 women but used the contraption to increase the number of observations extending the experiment over time. It would be good to do on a larger scale

PD1: Guys, do not take this post as sexist and / or sexist.

PD2: If you wonder how a woman can perform this type of work in those days, read the third paragraph in the second column of the second sheet.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

M Jak Milosc 800 Ogladaj

The causes of economic backwardness as Amsden

I am interested to share with you an excerpt from Asian's Next Giant: South Korea and Late Industrialization by Alice Amsden . The author of the book has an interventionist stance and end of the text continues writing about how countries like South Korea distorted relative prices in the "right" way to create investment opportunities that generate economic growth. It reminds me a lot of Bad Samaritans by Ha-Joon Chang in the line of argument. Hope you like it.

development processes are enormously complex, but one can say as a first approximation that (1) the initiation of economic growth has tended to be delayed by the weakness of the state to act and (2) if industrialization occurs and accelerates, so at the initiative of a strengthened state authority.

The reasons why some countries in the twentieth century have found themselves behind others in terms of income and wealth can be tentatively grouped into 4 categories: possession of natural resources, population, market forces and factors institutional. The explanation of natural resources can be discarded. The association between resource endowments and income per capita is visibly weak, Korea and Japan are cases in point. The allocation of the excess population subderrollo has also been pretty well discredited today. The population explosion is not currently considered as the causes of the failure of industrialization, but the consequence of such failure.

Restan, therefore, two opposing visions: the market and the institutional. The explanation of economic development based on the market, presents the latter as the major source of the last 200 years of economic progress. However, although no one could deny the important role in accelerating market growth, one must distinguish between the market and market mechanisms. The first be referred to the tool to satisfy the demand and supply. The latter are the rules for allocating resources. All industrialized countries have made use of the markets. However, the challenge of the market mechanism does not explain why late industrializing countries took so long to begin its expansion and no adherence to them may explain why eventually succeeded in growing.

countries stories "behind" are quite varied, although the typical case of late industrialization in the twentieth century was at one time or another a colony of one of one of the Great Powers (excluding Japan). .. . Basically, the colonies were free trade policies and exploiting their comparative advantages in agricultural commodity markets. Its growth, therefore, could not have been delayed because they were not guided by market mechanisms. ...

These leads us to the final explanation, one related to institutions, and not least of all: the State. Simply, industrialization took to reach the "backward" countries because they were too weak to mobilize the necessary forces to launch economic growth and to reject a flood of foreign aggression that began in the second half of the twentieth century. His weaknesses, also came from social conflict. Such conflicts prevented the central authority powerful enough power to repudiate the invasions and foreign interventions, or the catastrophic loss of statehood.